Siden det er valg i dag i USA kan vi jo ikke unngå å poste et bilde av Air Force One.

Det blir veldig spennende å se hvem som vil fly Air Force One etter 20. januar.

Meningsmålinger og prognoser spriker voldsomt før de første valglokalene stenger om knappe 1 time kl. 24 norsk tid (se ).
Fra som viser til Bela Stantic sier at Trump vinner med 278 versus 260 (12. september 2020)

og Sky News som spekulerer den 29. oktober med at Trump kan vinne klart med over 300 electoral college votes « President Donald Trump will benefit from a surge in voter turnout amongst his supporters and win the election with over 300 electoral college votes, according to Sky News contributor Cory Bernardi.»

Daily Express spår at trump vinner hele 326 versus 212 til Biden:
«Poll: Donald Trump set to win US presidency by electoral college landslide
« The last Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll gave the US President a two point lead and landed just after he went into hospital with coronavirus.
Significantly, the President has, according to the latest findings, maintained a four point lead of 49 percent to 45 percent in the key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Poll: Donald Trump set to win US presidency by electoral college landslide« The last Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll gave the US President a two point lead and landed just after he went into hospital with coronavirus.
Significantly, the President has, according to the latest findings, maintained a four point lead of 49 percent to 45 percent in the key swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
It means he is on course to easily win the electoral college by 326 to 212 votes against his Democrat rival in a result which would shock the world even more than his astonishing defeat of Hilary Clinton in 2016.
The Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll has throughout the campaign been one of the few to predict a Trump victory since March.»

Newsmax:«TRUMP IS GOING TO WIN A SECOND TERM»: Carl Higbie gives his prediction for the Presidential Election.
Via Saturday Report on Newsmax TV:
Så har du The Economist som spår 97 % sannsynlighet for siere til Biden (

og Nate Silver og hans fivethirtyeight ( spår 10 % sannsynlighet for Trump-seier: